It seems like the CSS failed to load. Please try clearing your cache to
redownload the styles:
You could also try to reinstall the service worker:
Various dark mode extensions are also known to cause this issue.
If that doesn't help contact support (support@monkeytype.com or
If the website works for a bit but then this screen comes back, clear your
cache again and then on Monkeytype open the command line (esc) and search
for "Clear SW cache".
Share test settings
The URL is over 2000 characters long - it might not work
Practice words
This will start a new test in custom mode. Words that you mistyped more
often or words that you typed much slower will be weighted higher and
appear more often.
Practice missed
Practice slow
Practice both
If you find a grammatical error, think the quote has inappropriate
language or feel like it's low quality -
don't give it a low rating!
Please report it instead. You can do so by closing this popup and clicking
the "Flag" icon.
your rating
Show saved texts
Words filter
saved texts
A long custom text is currently loaded. Editing the text will disable
progress tracking.
Got it
no periods
Saved texts
Saved long texts
Save custom text
You can manually filter words by length, words or characters (separated
by spaces) on the left side. On the right side you can generate filters
based on a preset and selected layout.
min length
max length
"Set" replaces the current custom word list with the filter result,
"Add" appends the filter result to the current custom word list
Account name
You need to choose a username before continuing
Sign up
Quote Search
Submit a quote
Approve quotes
Favorites Only
No search results
Submit a Quote
Do not include content that contains any libelous or otherwise unlawful,
abusive or obscene text.
Verify quotes added aren't duplicates of any already present
Please do not add extremely short quotes (less than 60 characters)
Submitting low quality quotes or misusing this form will cause you to
lose access to this feature
Ape Keys
Generate new key
created on
modified on
last used on
Report a Quote
Please report quotes responsibly - misuse may result in you losing access
to this feature.
Created with love by Miodec.
by many awesome people.
Launched on 15th of May, 2020.
total tests started
total typing time
total tests completed
distribution of time 60 leaderboard results (wpm)
Monkeytype is a minimalistic and customizable typing test. It features
many test modes, an account system to save your typing speed history, and
user-configurable features such as themes, sounds, a smooth caret, and
more. Monkeytype attempts to emulate the experience of natural keyboard
typing during a typing test, by unobtrusively presenting the text prompts
and displaying typed characters in-place, providing straightforward,
real-time feedback on typos, speed, and accuracy.
Test yourself in various modes, track your progress and improve your
word set
By default, this website uses the most common 200 words in the English
language to generate its tests. You can change to an expanded set (1000
most common words) in the options, or change the language entirely.
You can use
(or just
if you have quick tab mode enabled) to restart the typing test. Open the
command line by pressing
- there you can access all the functionality you need without touching
your mouse
wpm - total number of characters in the correctly typed words (including
spaces), divided by 5 and normalised to 60 seconds.
raw wpm - calculated just like wpm, but also includes incorrect words.
acc - percentage of correctly pressed keys.
char - correct characters / incorrect characters. Calculated after the
test has ended.
consistency - based on the variance of your raw wpm. Closer to 100% is
better. Calculated using the coefficient of variation of raw wpm and
mapped onto a scale from 0 to 100.
results screen
After completing a test you will be able to see your wpm, raw wpm,
accuracy, character stats, test length, leaderboards info and test info.
(you can hover over some values to get floating point numbers). You can
also see a graph of your wpm and raw over the duration of the test.
Remember that the wpm line is a global average, while the raw wpm line is
a local, momentary value. (meaning if you stop, the value is 0)
bug report or feature request
If you encounter a bug, or have a feature request - join the Discord
server, send me an email, a direct message on Twitter or create an issue
on GitHub.
Thanks to everyone who has supported this project. It would not be
possible without you and your continued support.
If you encounter a bug, have a feature request or just want to say hi -
here are the different ways you can contact me directly.
When you connect your monkeytype account to your Discord account, you
will be automatically assigned a new role every time you achieve a new
personal best in a 60 second test. If you link your accounts before
joining the Discord server, the bot
will not
give you a role.
Your accounts are linked!
With tags, you can compare how fast you're typing in different
situations. You can see your active tags above the test words. They will
remain active until you deactivate them, or refresh the page.
Create settings presets that can be applied with one click. Remember to
edit your preset if you make any changes - they don't save on their own.
more account settings
You can access more account settings (such as changing your name,
password, resetting or deleting your account) in the danger zone
Normal is the classic type test experience. Expert fails the test if you
submit (press space) an incorrect word. Master fails if you press a
single incorrect key (meaning you have to achieve 100% accuracy).
quick restart
to quickly restart the test, or to quickly jump to the test page. These
options disable tab navigation on most parts of the website. Using the
"esc" option will move opening the commandline to the
repeat quotes
This setting changes the restarting behavior when typing in quote mode.
Changing it to 'typing' will repeat the quote if you restart while
blind mode
No errors or incorrect words are highlighted. Helps you to focus on raw
speed. If enabled, quick end is recommended.
always show words history
This option will automatically show the words history at the end of the
test. Can cause slight lag with a lot of words.
single list command line
When enabled, it will show the command line with all commands in a
single list instead of submenu arrangements. Selecting 'manual' will
expose all commands only after typing
min speed
Automatically fails a test if your speed falls below a threshold.
min accuracy
Automatically fails a test if your accuracy falls below a threshold.
min burst
Automatically fails a test if your raw for a single word falls below
this threshold. Selecting 'flex' allows for this threshold to
automatically decrease for longer words.
british english
When enabled, the website will use the British spelling instead of
American. Note that this might not replace all words correctly. If you
find any issues, please let us know.
Change in which language you want to type.
These are special modes that change the website in some special way (by
altering the word generation, behavior of the website or the looks).
Give each one of them a try!
custom layoutfluid
Select which layouts you want the layoutfluid funbox to cycle through.
freedom mode
Allows you to delete any word, even if it was typed correctly.
strict space
Pressing space at the beginning of a word will insert a space character
when this mode is enabled.
opposite shift mode
This mode will force you to use opposite
keys for shifting. Using an incorrect one will count as an error. This
feature ignores keys in locations
, and
because many people use the other hand for those keys. If you're using
external software to emulate your layout (including QMK), you should use
the "keymap" mode - the standard "on" will not work. This will enforce
opposite shift based on the "keymap layout" setting.
stop on error
Letter mode will stop input when pressing any incorrect letters. Word
mode will not allow you to continue to the next word until you correct
all mistakes.
confidence mode
When enabled, you will not be able to go back to previous words to fix
mistakes. When turned up to the max, you won't be able to backspace at
quick end
This only applies to the words mode - when enabled, the test will end as
soon as the last word has been typed, even if it's incorrect. When
disabled, you need to manually confirm the last incorrect entry with a
indicate typos
Shows typos that you've made. Below shows what you typed below the
letters and replace will replace the letters with the ones you typed.
hide extra letters
Hides extra letters. This will completely avoid words jumping lines (due
to changing width), but might feel a bit confusing when you press a key
and nothing happens.
lazy mode
Replaces accents / diacritics / special characters with their normal
letter equivalents.
layout emulator
With this setting you can emulate other layouts. This setting is best
kept off, as it can break things like dead keys and alt layers.
sound volume
Change the volume of the sound effects.
play sound on click
Plays a short sound when you press a key.
play sound on error
Plays a short sound if you press an incorrect key or press space too
smooth caret
The caret will move smoothly between letters and words.
caret style
Change the style of the caret during the test.
pace caret
Displays a second caret that moves at constant speed. The 'average'
option averages the speed of last 10 results. The 'daily' option takes
the highest speed of the last 24 hours.
repeated pace
When repeating a test, a pace caret will automatically be enabled for
one test with the speed of your previous test. It does not override the
pace caret if it's already enabled.
pace caret style
Change the style of the pace caret during the test.
live progress style
Change the style of the timer/word count during a timed test.
live progress color
Change the color of the timer/word count number/bar and live speed
live progress opacity
Change the opacity of the timer/word count number/bar and live speed
highlight mode
Change what is highlighted during the test.
tape mode
Only shows one line which scrolls horizontally. Setting this to 'word'
will make it scroll after every word and 'letter' will scroll after
every keypress. Works best with smooth line scroll enabled and a
monospace font.
smooth line scroll
When enabled, the line transition will be animated.
show all lines
When enabled, the website will show all lines for word, custom and quote
mode tests - otherwise the lines will be limited to 3, and will
automatically scroll. Using this could cause the timer text and live
speed to not be visible.
always show decimal places
Always shows decimal places for values on the result page, without the
need to hover over the stats.
typing speed unit
Display typing speed in the specified unit.
start graphs at zero
Force graph axis to always start at zero, no matter what the data is.
Turning this off may exaggerate the value changes.
font size
Change the font size of the test words.
font family
page width
Control the width of the content.
Displays your current layout while taking a test. React shows what you
pressed and Next shows what you need to press next.
keymap layout
Controls which layout is displayed on the keymap.
keymap style
keymap legend style
keymap show top row
flip test colors
By default, typed text is brighter than the future text. When enabled,
the colors will be flipped and the future text will be brighter than the
already typed text.
colorful mode
When enabled, the test words will use the main color, instead of the
text color, making the website more colorful.
custom background
Set an image url to be a custom background image. Cover fits the image
to cover the screen. Contain fits the image to be fully visible. Max
fits the image corner to corner.
custom background filter
Apply various effects to the custom background.
auto switch theme
Enabling this will automatically switch the theme between light and dark
depending on the system theme.
randomize theme
After completing a test, the theme will be set to a random one. The
random themes are not saved to your config. If set to 'favorite' only
favorite themes will be randomized. If set to 'light' or 'dark', only
presets with light or dark background colors will be randomized,
respectively. If set to 'custom', custom themes will be randomized.
live speed
Displays a live speed during the test. Updates once every second.
live accuracy
Displays live accuracy during the test.
live burst
Displays live burst during the test of the last word you typed.
live progress
Displays a live timer for timed tests and word count for word based
tests (word, quote or custom mode).
key tips
Shows the keybind tips at the bottom of the page.
out of focus warning
Shows an out of focus reminder after 1 second of being 'out of focus'
(not being able to type).
caps lock warning
Displays a warning when caps lock is on.
Displays your average speed and/or accuracy over the last 10 tests.
import/export settings
Import or export the settings as JSON.
You can disable or enable ads at any time. "Result" will show one ad on
the result page, "on" will add floating vertical banners, and "sellout"
will add multiple ads on every page.
(changes will take effect after a refresh).
ape keys
Generate Ape Keys to access certain API endpoints
More endpoints will be added in the future.
update cookie preferences
If you changed your mind about which cookies you consent to, you can
change your preferences here.
set streak hour offset
Streaks reset at midnight UTC by default. If this is not convenient for
you (for example if it means that streaks reset in the middle of the
day), you can change the hour offset here.
You can only do this once!
update account name
Change the name of your account. You can only do this once every 30
password authentication settings
Add password authentication, update your password or email.
google authentication settings
Add or remove Google authentication.
revoke all tokens
Revokes all tokens connected to your account. Do this if you think
someone else has access to your account.
This will log you out of all devices.
reset settings
Resets settings to the default (but doesn't touch your tags).
You can't undo this action!
reset personal bests
Resets all your personal bests (but doesn't delete any tests from your
You can't undo this action!
opt out of leaderboards
Use this if you frequently trigger the anticheat (for example if using
stenography) to opt out of leaderboards.
You can't undo this action!
reset account
Completely resets your account to a blank state.
You can't undo this action!
delete account
Deletes your account and all data connected to it.
You can't undo this action!
Login/Signup is disabled.
tests started
tests completed
time typing
All-Time English Leaderboards
15 seconds
60 seconds
15 seconds
30 seconds
60 seconds
120 seconds
10 words
25 words
50 words
100 words
Result history:
Result limit:
filter presets
advanced filters
personal best
quote length
No data found. Check your filters.
estimated words typed
tests started
tests completed
time typing
highest wpm
average wpm
average wpm
(last 10 tests)
highest raw wpm
average raw wpm
average raw wpm
(last 10 tests)
highest accuracy
avg accuracy
avg accuracy
(last 10 tests)
highest consistency
avg consistency
avg consistency
(last 10 tests)
Export CSV
load more
tests started
tests completed
time typing
All-Time English Leaderboards
15 seconds
60 seconds
10 words
25 words
50 words
100 words
15 seconds
30 seconds
60 seconds
120 seconds
bopomofo (注音符號)
🎂🎉 birthday wishes
Caps Lock
Time left to memorise all words: 0s
Time left to memorise all words: 0s
Click here or press any key to focus
test type
2 -
daily leaderboard
Ooops! Looks like this page or resource doesn't exist.